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The Church of Christ

The church that Jesus established while on earth is given different names and described in different ways in the Bible. Discover what the scripture says about Christ's church by exploring the sciptures referenced below.  We invite you to study this and other topics with us in depth in our Bible study classes scheduled throughout the week.  learn more . . .

the church is called

The Body of Christ                       Colossians 1:18-24    Ephesians 1:22, 23

The Bride of Christ                      Ephesians 5:22-32

The Temple of God                      1 Corinthians 3:16

The House of God                       1 Timothy 3:15

The Church of the Lord                Acts 20:28

the church is described as

Built by Jesus                             Matthew 16:13-18

Purchased by His Blood            Acts 20:28

Composed of the Saved            Acts 2:47

how do you become a part of the church of Christ?

The Lord Adds People who are Saved            Acts 2: 41,42   Acts 11: 24

Baptized into the Body of Christ                     I Corinthians 12: 13

Sunday Worship Assembly:  10:00 am                Sunday Evening:  5:00 pm                Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm 

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